See the donations page  for donations information and options.

The Association of Mountain View Neighborhood CERTs (AMVNC)   is a not-for-profit  501(c)(3) corporation. 

Our aims and objectives are:

You can contact us by email: or postal service: P.O. Box 983, Mountain View, CA 94042-0983 

  See AMVNC for more corporate info.

AMVNC Operates in collaboration with the City of Mountain View CERT program.

The city provides a number of resources:

CERTs provide pre-positioned resources  (equipment and trained personnel) at the neighborhood level to help in the first few hours or days after a large scale emergency, when 911 may be overwhelmed.

In nearly all large scale disasters, the first responders are local survivors helping their neighbors. FEMA sponsors the  CERT program to pre-position resources that might make a difference in such an emergency.

It has two primary components: