The Association of Mountain View Neighborhood CERTs (AMVNC) is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) corporation.
Our aims and objectives are:
Serve as a conduit between donors (who often require formal documentation) and local neighborhood CERTs.
Organize and operate within the requirements of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue code.
You can contact us by email: or postal service: P.O. Box 983, Mountain View, CA 94042-0983
AMVNC Operates in collaboration with the City of Mountain View CERT program.
The city provides a number of resources:
Introductions and information about upcoming CERT classes in Mountain View;
Contact information and map for each of the Neighborhood CERT groups;
A database of MTV trained volunteers. (Please send new contact information if you have moved);
Advice on Disaster Kits (AKA "Go Bags") including a one page checklist;
Links to CERT Information.
CERTs provide pre-positioned resources (equipment and trained personnel) at the neighborhood level to help in the first few hours or days after a large scale emergency, when 911 may be overwhelmed.
In nearly all large scale disasters, the first responders are local survivors helping their neighbors. FEMA sponsors the CERT program to pre-position resources that might make a difference in such an emergency.
It has two primary components:
Training and education, to help people better help each other.
Pre-positioned emergency equipment and supplies
Personal readiness (e.g. Go bags)
Community readiness (Caches of equipment and supplies)